
We look forward to celebrating with the family and friends of the Class of 2024!

Please make sure to click on all the sections below to get more information about the 2024 毕业典礼 ceremonies. 毕业典礼 at 加州大学洛杉矶分校 is an annual event that honors students who just have or will soon graduate during the current academic year. 学生可以在2023年秋季末毕业, 2024年冬, 2024年春季, or summer 2024 but 毕业典礼 only takes place at the end of the 2024年春季 semester.



Everything guests need to know before attending the 加州州立大学,洛杉矶 毕业典礼 ceremonies.


加州大学洛杉矶分校 is celebrating the outstanding achievement of the Class of 2024 5月20日和21日, 2024. The ceremonies will be held at the 洛杉矶会议中心西厅, in downtown Los Angeles.

届时将举行6场大学庆典, and graduates will be automatically assigned to a ceremony based on their college, 部门, 和主要. 对于每个仪式, 博士生和硕士生将被录取, and all graduating candidates will cross the stage and have their names read and appear on the screen, 以及, 在直播中.

仪式1 | 9 a.m. |工商经济学院
仪式2 / 2.m. 文学院|自然与社会科学学院
仪式3:下午7点.m. 自然与社会科学学院

仪式4 | 9 a.m. 教育学院|工程学院, 计算机科学, 民族研究学院
仪式5:下午2点.m. |许荣祥卫生与公共服务学院
仪式6:晚7点.m. |许荣祥卫生与公共服务学院

To view the full schedule that includes 部门s 和主要s, 请浏览 安排网页 点击具体的仪式.

All guests 3 years of age and older will require a ticket to attend 毕业典礼 and enter the venue. 2岁及以下的儿童无需门票即可参加毕业典礼, 前提是他们坐在大人的腿上,不占座位.

嘉宾票只能由即将毕业的学生使用 MarchingOrder的 online ticketing platform during the online registration period starting on April 8, 2024, at 9 a.m. 太平洋时间,到2024年4月26日下午5点.m. PT. After the deadline date, tickets are no longer guaranteed and will be dependent on availability. It is the graduating student's responsibility to reserve guest tickets and distribute them to their family and friends.

每张客票都有独一无二的条形码. 一旦扫描,同一票的副本将无效.

Please note that 毕业典礼 guest tickets are free and cannot be bought or sold. 在任何情况下,都不应该用货币兑换门票. 购买或出售的门票将被大学作废.

The 加州大学洛杉矶分校 Office for 学生 with Disabilities (OSD) do not provide assistance to guests. 为需要移动设备的客人, 请根据具体需要自行安排.


1201 S. 菲格罗亚街
(W之间. 碧高大道及奇克赫恩阁)
洛杉矶,CA 90015


F或更多的 information about 停车 and transportation options for 毕业典礼 2024 at the Los Angeles Convention Center, 请浏览 停车及交通 网页.

The University will be livestreaming the ceremonies, which will be able to be viewed through the 加州大学洛杉矶分校 网站及 加州大学洛杉矶分校YouTube 通道.

强烈建议客人在2小时内到达, 或更多的, 仪式前要为交通让路, 停车, 人群众多. 大门将在每次仪式开始前2小时开放. 

客人们将在洛杉矶会议中心前排队, 西厅楼, 在吉尔伯特林赛广场. 为了安全, all guests must pass through security protocols including metal detectors and possible bag check.

After security, guests must have their ticket ready to be scanned via their phone or printed paper. To expedite ticket scanning, please have each guest have their own ticket. Guests using their phone must have the bar code enlarged for easy scanning.


F或更多的 information on safety and security protocols for 毕业典礼 2024 at the Los Angeles Convention Center, 包括违禁物品, 请浏览 安全及保安 网页.


在毕业典礼上, the 大学书店 will have a satellite location at the 洛杉矶会议中心西厅 Lobby, 5月20日和21日, 2024, 商品有限.


Class T-shirts, sweatshirts, flower bouquets, 加州大学洛杉矶分校 custom Kukui Nut Lei and more! 毕业礼物可供 预购 并在仪式当天进行现场采购. Pre-ordered items will be available for contact-free pick up on-site at the 毕业典礼上组 booths.

欲了解更多信息,请访问 徽章、商品和服务 网页.

为了方便, 洛杉矶会议中心内的银河美食广场, 西厅大堂, 将会开放. 参加者可以在美食广场享用食物和茶点. 但请注意,西大厅内不允许携带食物或饮料.

所有来宾座位先到先得. Due to large crowds, guests can only hold seats for their companions for 15 minutes. 如15分钟后仍无座位, 人群控制人员将引导其他客人去那些座位. 

The doors to West Hall will temporarily be closed five minutes before the start of the ceremony to prepare for the academic procession of the faculty and stage party. 所有迟到的客人将在奏完国歌后就座.


Wheelchair accessible spaces and designated accessible seating will be clearly marked in the guest seating areas.

Sign language interpreters will be projected on the jumbo screen during each 毕业典礼 ceremony. Closed captioning will also be available to access on your mobile device. The links for the closed captioning for mobile devices will be available the week before the ceremonies.

Each ceremony will be between 1 hour and 45 minutes to 2 hours in duration. The order of events may vary per 毕业典礼 ceremony and will include most of the activities below.

  • 教师学术游行和讲坛晚会
  • 国歌
  • Welcome remarks and introduction of the stage party by the college dean
  • 总统的讲话
  • 学术荣誉
  • 博士学位颁发
  • 硕士学位的颁发
  • 颁发学士学位
  • 由校长授予学位(including the traditional turning of the tassel for baccalaureate degrees)
  • 大学的赞美诗*
  • 学院院长致闭幕词
  • Recessional of platform party, faculty and conferees of doctoral, 硕士, and bachelor's degrees

*在大学赞美诗之后,将部署彩带炮. 它会发出响亮但短暂的爆裂声. 请注意,让你的同伴知道.

出于对即将毕业的学生以及他们的家人和朋友的尊重, guests attending 毕业典礼 must stay for the entire duration of the ceremony to not disrupt the event.

Official graduation portrait photographers will be at 毕业典礼 taking photos.

招收博士、硕士研究生, 照片将在你戴上兜帽的时候拍摄(舞台右侧), 观众离开), 在另一个舞台(舞台左边)向总统致意时也是如此, 观众对吧).

适用于学士学位学生, 当你出现在舞台上(舞台右侧)时,将会拍照, 观众离开), 在另一个舞台(舞台左边)向总统致意时也是如此, 观众对吧).

To ensure that graduating students receive their photo proof after the ceremony, 请填好名片的背面, 在办理登机手续的地方会给您哪一种.

University photographers will be photographing the ceremonies and candid photos will be available for free download on the 加州州立大学洛杉矶自鸣得意杯网页 毕业典礼周期间.

仪式一结束, 博士学位的与会者, 硕士, and bachelor's degree students and guests will be directed to exit towards the North Side of West Hall towards A厅(北)广场. This is either to prepare for the next ceremony or closing of the venue lobby.


每次仪式结束后, all attendees will be directed to exit on the North Side of West Hall towards A厅(北)广场. A厅广场是你会见你的毕业生和同伴的地方. 该区域将有照片背景.

加州州立大学,洛杉矶 | 毕业典礼


毕业典礼将被拍照和/或录音. 通过参加典礼, 您同意并授予不可撤销的许可使用您的肖像, 图像, 的声音, and appearance photographed and recorded for any University business-related purpose and that the CSU owns the 图像s and all rights related to them. 这些图像可以在不通知您的情况下以任何方式或媒体使用, 比如大学赞助的网站, 出版物, 促销活动, 广播, 广告, 海报和剧场幻灯片, 以及非大学使用. You waive any right to inspect or approve the finished 图像s or any printed or electronic matter that may be used with them.